GRE Preparation in Lahore


GRE Preparation in Lahore

This page will show you GRE Preparation in Lahore for 1-on-1 classes at your home. This training course has started successfully after providing GRE Preparation Online Course. Also you can prepare for GRE at home via complete GRE Preparation Online course. In order to apply for Fulbright Scholarship, this is the best time to start working your application together with GRE Preparation.

You may like to see for GMAT home tuition in Lahore. For that purpose, register for GMAT Preparation in Lahore.


GRE Preparation in Lahore by Earnest Prep™:

GRE Preparation in Lahore by Earnest Prep™ offers 2 months comprehensive program at your own home. It offers two options: GRE Preparation Online Course and GRE home tuition in Lahore. Online course offers Free beginners study plan (that is of 7 days). And home tuition offers First day Free Trial class, which will help you decide whether this course will improve your level to get your desired score. Furthermore, you will also get complete access to GRE Preparation Online course in addition to home tuition classes. So lessons, quality practice, together with online course that would revise those lessons, provide further practice materials will improve grip over the topics via timed quizzes that will boost your GRE score. As GRE test is skill based exam, so the curriculum is designed to enhance your skill step by step. Graphically, the skill improvement over the 8 weeks period is shown below:


Here, week 9th and 10th involves self-study practice from different sources, which you will receive from us at end of course.

The vision of Earnest Prep is “To enhance the average GRE score of Pakistani students to top three in the world”. To accomplish this vision, it has mission “To build the required core skills among students of Pakistan so they can also achieve top scores in the world.”


Days & Schedule of GRE Preparation in Lahore:

This course is exclusively designed so you would able to appear in GRE after 212 – 3 months. So before joining this course you must have ample time before planning to take GRE.


GRE course structure for Online Course:

Features Information
Session Date You may join anytime
Duration 2 months (But access will be provided for 4 months)
Course Fee PKR 6,500/- Lump Sum (First week beginners course is for Free Trial)
Instructor Mubasher Jan (Instructor will help you when you ask questions on Whatsapp (+923214711387)
Skills you’ll learn Critical Thinking, Comprehension, Analytical Writing, Problem Solving, Comparative Analysis and Data Analysis
Timings Timing is not fixed, so it’s upto you when you like to study
Where to join? Click on GRE Preparation Online Course to get started


GRE course structure for Home Tuition Classes:

Features Information
Date It’s upto your requirement
Duration 2 1 2> months
Course Fee PKR 40,000/- per month (First Day is for Free Trial and traveling cost based on your location with respect to instructor convenience)
Instructor Mubasher Jan (Instructor will help you throughout two months preparation
Skills you’ll learn Critical Thinking, Comprehension, Analytical Writing, Problem Solving, Comparative Analysis and Data Analysis
Timings It will be decided based on my availabiligy
How to get started? Contact me (+923214711387)


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Important Note: Students will get complete access to GRE preparation online course in addition to home tuition classes for 2 months session.


For further information, contact at 03214711387.



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