Welcome to SAT Preparation Online course, which consists of 60-days study plan. The course is very comprehensive and designed in such a way that you will become expert enough to excel in SAT test. If you aim for +1450 in SAT, your goal must be to learn concepts, do practice and build skills rather than just to learn knowledge. You might have heard about some people who got excellent score in SAT despite they were not brilliant students. In fact, students who are excellent in academics are knowledge based driven. They have practice of using knowledge to do analysis and solve things. But when it comes to skill based exams like SAT test, they find it more struggling than ordinary students. These exams require thinking out of the box, that requires little knowledge but more skill. And few of those brilliant students also have this skill.
Types of Students for SAT Preparation Online:
On the basis of my experience, I categorize students into three categories:
- High performing
- Gifted
- Both
High Performing Students:
High performing students tend to achieve high grades and remain standout in the class or school. They are self-motivated and able to work independently. If they enter in someones room or house, they start playing or doing things what they like to do. They involve in exiting activities and want to do adventure by their own. They are openness and get along with others. That means they are not shy and always participate in any discussion or in class eagerly. They want to do new things and soon tired off doing same thing for longer duration. They want change and always ask for this. Above all, they need guidance only occasionally.
Gifted Students:
Gifted students, on other hand, not necessarily get high grades. They are usually shy and usually kept silent. Gifted students speak only to the point and want to solve any questions by their unique way of thinking. These students need motivations constantly and only do tasks or work when told. Furthermore, these students respond to questions in class surprisingly correct and to the point. They can explain the solution in a different and unique way that can surprise teachers. They can stay focus to same thing for longer duration. Gifted students have much more potential but do not want to express. They need guidance frequently.
Both High performing and Gifted Students:
Finally, students who are both High performing as well as Gifted become leaders in their expertise. They are rarely identified. In every one million students, 1 student is both High performing as well as Gifted. They are among those who learn from others mistakes and are enthusiastic, self-motivated and persistent.
These behaviors are set by nature. These emerged from intrinsic skills that students acquire through their unique habits and interests in addition to family environment. Yet the following quotation will keep all of you motivated irrespective to your academic abilities and grades.
“Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for those who believe in hard work and smart work.“
Pre-requisites to join SAT Preparation Online course:
Basically, there are two phases of SAT preparation: Pre-plan for SAT preparation, and SAT preparation. A good plan is to start improving your comprehension by reading novels daily. You should read novels for some days prior to start SAT preparation online. Or if you have been reading novels for couple of months or perhaps for years, that’s the best thing for Pre-planing phase. Also note that SAT test dates are announced for a specific year and College Board in US conducts this test seven times in a year in almost every countries. SAT test is a paper based exam, so you should develop habit of reading novels or some books in hard copy form.
How to start SAT Preparation:
SAT Preparation Online course is divided into three stages as mentioned below this page. I recommend you to start from Free Beginners Study plan (i.e Stage 1) as mentioned in green text link at bottom of this page. This will give you a quick glance how you will prepare throughout this online course. Also it will improve your basics that will help you think quickly and reason logically.
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60-days Study Plan for SAT Preparation:
The three stages of SAT Preparation are below:
Stage 1. Beginners Study Plan – (7 Days) FREE
Stage 2. SAT Preparation Plan – (30 Days)
Stage 3. SAT Practice Session – (23 Days)
Important Note: The access to first stage, which is for beginners, is FREE. However, the other two levels are not for free. For further information, contact us via email (info@earnestprep.com) or via Whatsapp (+923214711387).
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