GAT Vocabulary List-01

NTS GAT Vocabulary List

GAT Vocabulary List-01

GAT Vocabulary

Frequently used NTS vocabulary list-01:






001. concise brief and to the point succinct; terse; brief; short; lessen; abridge prolix; discursive; protracted; circumlocutory; verbose
002. laconic using few words taciturn; reticent; terse; brusque; brief garrulous; loquacious
003. succinct spoken or written in a clear and precise manner terse; concise; curt; pithy; compact; condensed prolix; discursive; protracted; circumlocutory; verbose; wordy
004. brusque rudely abrupt or harshly brief curt; abrupt; petulant; brief polite; courteous; kind
005. abridge shorten a written text abbreviate; concise; shorten augment; amplify; protract
006. brevity quality of succinct expression (derived from the word brief) conciseness; pithiness; succinctness; laconism; economy longevity; permanence
007. conspire plan together secretly to commit an unethical or illegal act collude; devise; collaborate; contrive leave; neglect; disagree
008. concur agree accord; harmonize; cohere; consent clash; disagree; deny; dissent
009. concord a state of harmony; mutual agreement unanimity; consensus; harmonize discord; agitate; disunity; disturb; hostility
010. congenital existing at birth innate; inherited; inborn; indigenous non-native; unconstitutional
011. schism a division into political or religious faction (i.e. groups) alienation; faction; rift; divergent; division; discord; fissure; dissension agreement; harmony; peace; accord; unity; conformity
012. incisive intelligent; keen; insightful acute; keen; astute; canny; perspicacious; judicious; shrewd weak; stupid; incompetent; innocent; vacuous; vapid; obtuse
013. judicious reasonable; sensible; showing sound judgement; careful prudent; astute; cautious; circumspect; sagacious; shrewd; sober; rational rash; improvident; careless; irrational; imprudent; ignorant; inattentive; unsound; unrealistic; unwise
014. astute keen; intelligent; crafty sagacious; shrewd; incisive; canny; perspicacious; adroit; insightful; discerning vacuous; vapid; obtuse; foolish; stupid; inept; idiotic; naïve; imbecile; asinine
015. scrutinize to examine carefully analyze; peruse; scan; watch; check; investigate; study forget; ignore; neglect; misunderstand
016. pragmatic concerning to practical outcomes; down-to-earth efficient; logical; practical; realistic; sober idealistic; imaginative; irrational; excited; impractical; unreasonable
017. perjure to lie under oath; bear false witness prevaricate; deceive; delude; equivocate; falsify; forswear; mislead; trick; lie honest; sincere; attest; certify; prove
018. prudent wise; intelligent; careful judicious; sensible; cautious; reasonable; shrewd; frugal; economical; circumspect improvident; rash; careless; expensive; foolish; hasty; reckless; stupid; wasteful; unreasonable; thoughtless
019. jurisdiction area of authority; scope; zone; limits; range domain; authority; control; command; power; territory; supervision; district incapacity; submission; surrender; weakness
020. adjure order; to command solemnly as under oath beseech; command; charge; entreat; implore; obligate answer
021. adjudge determine based on law adjudicate; arbitrate; award; decide; decree; determine defer; hesitate; ignore; leave
022. acumen keenness of judgement; ability to understand and reason shrewdness; perspicacity; discernment; awareness; intellect; intelligence; judgement; vision; wisdom; acuteness; cunning; smart; perception; sharpness ignorance; insensitivity; stupidity; mistake; ineptness; obtuseness; foolishness
023. inscrutable beyond comprehension or imagination; difficult abstruse; enigmatic; recondite; impenetrable; ambiguous; arcane clear; comprehensible; intelligible; fathomable; obvious; plain
024. allegation blame; charge charge; contention; accusation; assertion exculpation; denial
025. affirmation declaration of the truth of something confirmation; assertion; certification; ratification; testimonial negation; denial; veto; nullify


Practice Exercise

1. Hamza is amazingly _____________ at such a young age of 5 years: He adeptly persuaded his reluctant parents to let him stay up to watch another hour for cartoon series on television.
    A)   concise
    B)   astute
    C)   verbose
    D)   adjure
    E)   capricious
2. Because we are short on time, _____________ appreciated; we need to leave in five minutes to catch the bus.
    A)   circumlocution
    B)   allegation
    C)   pontification
    D)   brevity
    E)   affirmation
3. Those not used to Imran’s _____________ speaking style found him to be _____________ and did not like him at first.
    A)   affirmative … incisive
    B)   surly … congenial
    C)   laconic … brusque
    D)   circumlocutory … direct
    E)   garrulous … phlegmatic


Write the word whose meaning is given:

(brusque, succinct, astute, prudent, perjure, garrulous, judicious)

From the above words, write the word whose meaning is given below:

4. keenness of judgement:                     _______
5. talkative:                                                _______
6. rudely abrupt:                                       _______
7. intelligent:                                             _______
8. false witness:                                        _______
9. reasonable:                                           _______
10. speak precisely and clearly:             _______


Answers & Explanation:

1. B: The colon (:) introduces an explanation. Adeptly means with great skill. A young age of 5 years would have to be pretty sharp or smart enough to persuade reluctant parents.

concise: brief and to the point
astute: shrewd; smart; sharp
verbose: wordy
adjure: order; command
capricious: changeable; unpredictable
2. D: A person short on time would likely appreciate something that is quick, which makes quickness a good choice.

circumlocution: speaking irrelevant or not speaking to the point
allegation: charge; accusation
pontification: speaking in a pompous manner
brevity: briefness; short and quick
affirmation: positive assertion; declaring truth
3. C: They didn’t like him at first, so the second blank is a negative word. The first blank should describe a speaking style that would cause some-one to think that he is described by the second word.

affirmative: declaring truth                              incisive: keen; insightful; intelligent
surly: irritable; ugly; rude                                 congenial: friendly; favorable
laconic: short; lacking words; brief                 brusque: rudely abrupt in speech
circumlocutory: using too many words          direct: to the point
garrulous: very talkative                                   phlegmatic: lacking energy; calm; emotionless


4. astute
5. garrulous
6. brusque
7. prudent
8. perjure
9. judicious
10. succinct


15 thoughts on “GAT Vocabulary List-01”

  1. kindly Guid me what is difference between GAT general and GRE?if I pass the GAT general can I apply for foreign(m.Phil) scholarships which needs GRE

  2. these words are taken from gre vocabulary, i doubt they have any significance in GAT genereal test. just saying

    1. Hi Ahmad,
      Off course. GAT vocabulary is now harder. They use similar words as it used in editorials of newspapers. GAT antonyms are quite easy, but its words of sentence completion and analogies are now same those of GRE. Especially in employment tests and Commonwealth Scholarship tests it’s difficulty level harder than GAT. Due to increased competition, NTS started shifting towards GRE level slowly.

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